Optimizing Your Content for Voice Search

“Hey, Siri. where can I find a financial adviser nearby?” “Alexa, where can I find the best clothing deals?” Hi Google, what does a PR rep do?” Questions like these and a billion other voice searches are performed every month. Despite voices just being one of the most popular forms of research, a very smallContinue reading “Optimizing Your Content for Voice Search”

How to Capitalize on Valentine’s Day in Content Marketing

It’s the season of Love. The smell of roses and chocolate candies is in the air, along with an unbelievable amount of Valentine’s Day content. It seems everybody with a blog takes the month of February to write about their favorite Valentine’s Day recipes, traditions, fun date ideas, or ways to celebrate February 14th.  WhileContinue reading “How to Capitalize on Valentine’s Day in Content Marketing”

Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

By Jess Henley The new year is here, and with it comes the excitement of new horizons, resolutions, and a fresh batch of content marketing trends. As a copywriting agency for a myriad of businesses, we keep a close eye on the up-and-coming content crazes, bandwagons, and fashions your company blog needs to incorporate inContinue reading “Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024”

New Year, New Me: Why Your Website Needs an Annual Content Audit

The new year is ripe with opportunities to hone your content marketing strategy. One of the best ways to keep your content fresh and relevant is to perform an annual pruning called a content audit. This time of year is the ideal time to take stock of your old blog posts, articles, and landing pagesContinue reading “New Year, New Me: Why Your Website Needs an Annual Content Audit”

Unpacking The E.E.A.T. Principle in Content Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, staying ahead of the game is crucial for businesses aiming to rank higher on search engine result pages. Google, being the leading search engine, is constantly refining its algorithms to provide users with the most relevant and trustworthy content.  The E.E.A.T principle, (E.A.T until 2022, before a Google update),Continue reading “Unpacking The E.E.A.T. Principle in Content Marketing”

What’s in a Keyword? Best Free Tools for Keyword Research

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) writing for businesses, the right keywords can make all the difference. Striking the right balance of competitive keyword that is both popular and unique is the key to a successful SEO strategy. But how do you get that ideal keyword? Do you have to spend hours uponContinue reading “What’s in a Keyword? Best Free Tools for Keyword Research”

Building Expertise as a Content Writer

By: Tyler Reed, MBA, Director of Content  As a business content writer, I’ve come to find there are never a shortage of topics and industries to choose from. The old adage, “jack of all trades, master of none” usually has a negative connotation, but for the consummate writer, this is precisely what you do dayContinue reading “Building Expertise as a Content Writer”

Short-Form Content: Does it Work?

In the world of content marketing, there is a great debate over whether it is better to have short-form content in your marketing strategy or to stick with long-form content. You have probably heard that having at least 2,000 words worth of content is the optimal way to increase traffic to your site and encourageContinue reading “Short-Form Content: Does it Work?”

Creating an Effective CTA for your Business Blog

If you are in the digital marketing world, you are probably familiar with the concept of the call to action (CTA). A successful CTA is designed to encourage your customers and clients to take the next step in interacting with your company. A CTA is intended to rally the target audience and spur them toContinue reading “Creating an Effective CTA for your Business Blog”

The Ultimate Guide to Inbound Marketing

You may be asking, what is an inbound marketing strategy, and why is it important? In this ultimate guide, we will cover what is inbound marketing and how it can help your business to reach your target audience. Get ready to get down to the nitty-gritty in this ultimate guide to inbound marketing.  What isContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Inbound Marketing”